I do not think changing the robot.yaml file has solved my problem:
Not sure since, I do not know how to see the raw characters.
I would like to share a couple of thoughts:
I am new to everything about Magni: hardware, OS and ROS and therefore a steep learning curve.
But, driving with Logitech controller works, driving with keyboard works, running with python script works.
I have had Magni (with batteries) since 05/17/2020. So, eleven days and not sure why Magni wants to run over things! I bought Magni because of its strength. But, I want it to be safe to use.
Not a criticism, just an observation and a function of were I have been spending my time.
So, a couple of questions:
Q1. Is it OK to continuing to explore the code while charging?
A1. Sure hope so since that is what I am doing right now.
Q2. How should I know when the batteries are completely charged?
A2. Very clear when charge complete: fan stops and LED2 is green.
Q3. Are the raspicam and sonars values available to display?
I can use rosparam get /ubiquity_robot_mode to see mode of operation and
I can use rostopic echo /battery_state to check charge level and
I can use rostopic echo /sonars (when it is working)
Is there a way to display the values of raspicam and sonars other than
looking in robot.yaml?
Q4. Is there a way use the SSD1306 OLED Display provided?
Q5. What does /pi_sonar (http://Magni.local:42763/) mean after running rostopic info /sonars?
For new users (for me at least) if would be useful to have two functions available on day one:
CheckStatus - display battery level, camera orientation, sonar active.
CheckSafety - battery level is safe, no obstructions in path
As for now, it is still a mystery to me why rostopic echo /sonars just hangs.