Setting other computer as Master

We are currently using two SBC’s the Magni’s Raspi, as well as a NvidiaTx2.

We connect the two via ethernet and are using the Nvidia board to connect to our internal network. We would like to use the Nvidia board as Master for various reasons, i.e the intel wifi chip is much better at roaming than the pi’s Broadcom.

After disabling the roscore service, and launching Magni’s service with a “–wait” command, I get all of the topics and everything seems to be going well. When I run rviz on my workstation is when I get odd behavior, there appears to be no base_link published.

I’m not sure if this is a clock issue or there is something else I’m missing but we are stumped.

I’ve just tried on a vanilla install without any luck. All I changed was the with my Master, and disabled the roscore.service, and added the --wait flag

I have added a Jetson Nano to Magni. I was wondering if you can help me find resources on how to connect Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi via Ethernet. My main issue is that I have ROS Melodic on Jetson Nano and ROS Kinetic on Raspberry Pi.

Am running jetsin nano as robot computer with melodic and my laptop wotks on ros kinetic, i dont find any issues in launch files