working with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic
camera module V2.
could you please help me with my problem.
in fiducials rviz
when I choose image topic as /fiducial_images (in order to
detect the fiducial markers, the image field says (no image
if I change the image topic to /raspicam_node/image
it will work but the is no detection.
please help.
Many thanks for your clarification.
I am trying to detect the aruco marker using the raspi itself without the need to connect it to pc with ubuntu and ros for further processing.
can I install the aruco marker in the raspi as well. because its important for me to use the raspi and its camera for detection and then only send the position of the detected marker to a pc.
thank again for your help.
I got the idea but still not working for me.
BTW, I have downloaded your distribution as davecrawley said.
What I am doing is the following, please correct me if I am wrong:
First there is no need to run roscore because for some reasons its already running
Second, I run the camera topic :
roslaunch raspicam_node camerav2_1280x960.launch
Third, I run the aruco marker:
roslaunch aruco_detect aruco_detect.launch
Forth, I run: rviz
in order to visualize the process of detecting but in the left side panel i got
Fixed frame : No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist
Am I doing the right thing?
Please help.
Many thanks.
Max ill try to help you, but im not sure that this is what you need…
Try this steps 1 by 1:
Open 2 terminals ssh´ed to robot and 1 on VM:
1st terminal on robot run - [roslaunch magni_nav move_basic.launch]
2nd terminal on robot run - [roslaunch magni_nav aruco.launch]
3rd terminal on VM run - [roslaunch magni_viz view_nav.launch]
At the mean time I am not using magni robot.
I just want to discover the aruco marker using the raspi and its camera. I installed your latest distribution on my sd card and I am doing everything inside the raspi
I got access to the camera as you can see in the following fig
Well in the camera image window of RViz I don’t see any aruco markers. If you can’t recognize them in the camera image then the robot will not be able to.
If you have generated some aruco markers, printed them out, and put them up in the space and they are being seen by the camera, and they do appear on the image window in rviz and the camera can see them clearly in high contrast then it all should work.
Sometime though even if they are seen by the camera the lighting is such that the image is either completely washed out light or too dark to see anything. In that situation you should run
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
then you can adjust the exposure settings on the camera to make it more or less sensitive to the light and make the image more view-able.
I would do this on your laptop with the laptop connected to the robot as described in the "workstation setup " section of the documentation found here:
Rohan, you got my point, thank you so much bro, that was the problem, I did not know that I need to specify the raspicam for the the aruco detect. thought its linked to by default.
Hi @rohbotics
I tried to go through the same approach but this time using another laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 and ros Indigo instead of the ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic.
I connected the laptop with the raspi_cam that has been set up correctly.
I have a problem in my laptop side when running
I get the following:
[aruco_detect.launch] is neither a launch file in package [aruco_detect] nor is [aruco_detect] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file