Local SSH doesn't work after connecting to my home network

I downloaded the PI3 image, and all was well. I followed the instructions to change my password and host name, and all was well. Then I followed the instructions to connect to my home network and I could no longer SSH into that raspberry pi. I followed these steps:

ssh ubuntu@ubiquityrobot.local
passwd (then followed prompts to change password)
sudo pifi set-hostname NEWHOSTNAME
sudo reboot

—> OK so far, now they have me log it into my home network

ubuntu@NEWHOSTNAME:~$ pifi list seen
ubuntu@NEWHOSTNAME:~$ sudo pifi add MyNetwork password
sudo reboot

I know this works to connect because I used a monitor and can see that I am logged onto my home network. I can even ssh from this machine to another pi (just running raspbian) in my home. But if I try to ssh in or even ping, I get errors. if I use the host name (ssh ubuntu@ROS_PI.local) I get host not resolved. if I use the ssh ubuntu@IP_Address, I get connection refused. If I ping the IP, I get icmp open socket: operation not permitted. (ubuntu is the pre-loaded user name)

Is there some typical setting in linux that changes with host name or wifi config that would suddenly not allow ssh?

Do you know for sure zeroconf networking is working properly on your router? If it isn’t then ROS_PI.local will not work - and you’ll have to get zeroconf networking running right on your router or you’ll have to log in using an IP address.

After correcting an noticing a mistake I was making with the IP address, I can in fact SSH in that way. I am not familiar with zeroconf or how to verify, but it is very odd to me that I can ssh into two other machines running linux with just their host names (One raspberry pi and one acer netbook running raspbian/debian). I’ll dig deeper into zeroconf, but it’s less critical now that I can get in and have vnc working as well.