hello everybody i’m using raspicam in raspberry , so in order to use compressed images in my laptop i run my subscriber node , my imshow run correctly but after a while the image freezed and blocked … with image raw the image streaming worked correctly but the fps was too low for that i did compile UbiquityRobotics/raspicam_node that has compressed image publisher but the image freeze after 1 minute…
Ah, that is an interesting issue, have not seen it before.
A few more questions to help me better understand whats going on:
When it crashes, are you still able to ssh into the pi?
Does rostopic echo on the compressed image topic work on your laptop? What about locally on the Pi?
Are you using any GUI features of the pi?
-the ssh still work
-rostopic shows nothings…
one thing i do is that Im using raspberry 3 B+ , and ubuntu mate , which i think does not support yet this rpi , but i created a publisher node in python code that publish compressed images it work properly but it take a huge ressource of cpu in raspi about 60% …
Thank so much rohan i will try this , its not just the gpu encoder its bunch of things does not work , like raspiconfig , i2c , pwm ,building some library … i installed ubntu mate just because i needed ROS …
i’m using wifi , yes even in low resolution still have the issue the window freeze and no error shows up, when i kill the process it give a msg about Assertion Failed , i thing it’s somthing related to the buffer is it ??
I’ve had the same issue when using raspicam_node on Turtlebot3. Turns out the latest version makes it freeze. Not sure why, but the older version works well.