Is there anything I need to do with getting Arduino to start? It loads and seems to activate but will not start and ROS can not find arduino sdk for another program to make>
Is there anything I need to do with getting Arduino to start? It loads and seems to activate but will not start and ROS can not find arduino sdk for another program to make>
I am better trying to understand what you having trouble with. Are you trying to use the Arduino IDE on the Ubiquity Raspberry Pi image?
yes and install, have tried several ways, last one was
sudo apt-get install arduino ,unable to locate package
Install the " ARM 32 bits"
instead of “linux 32 bit”
it should be mentioned that our intent was not to have the raspberry Pi images be able to have the GUI support required for a full IDE such as for Arduino IDE. The images are first off used for our Magni product but we are glad to supply it to folks who what a fairly fully stocked Pi image for whatever. That is why we have a Learn page that specifically tells people how to turn off the Magni specific software components that are on by default.
It is an interesting project to run the Arduino IDE on this image so if you get it to work, please report back to here what you had to do. Thanks