Serial communication

Hi to all,
I need to send data by hc-12 module and I did it with a raspbian os, but I can’t setup my python script with Ubiquity od (2023-02-09-ubiquity-base-gdm3-focal).

first of all I can’t see UART port (GPIO14(TXD) and GPIO15 (RXD)) serial0
to understand what i meen see this image

second point I can’t understand if some process override serial comminication or change setting (as /boot/config.txt settings)
I enabled serial communication but still can’t see any data sent or recived.

how can connect device and send/receive data on rx/tx pins (GPIO14(TXD) and GPIO15 (RXD))?

tank you for any suggestion.

I think from what I am reading that you are using the Ubiquity Robotics image for your own project and not on a Magni robot which the image is setup to support.

If you want to use the image for some other reason besides a Magni refer to tips on this page that has some tips for those who may want to use the image without a Magni robot.

The magni robot uses the default serial port you describe to talk to the Magni Motor Controller main board.