I have done the update as you said and ran the install command again, still same thing,
please advise, (see below, this is also the image I downloaded for Virtualbox on the UbiquityRobotic website, as I’m confused as to why it is not up to date…)…
Hey can you try running roscd magni_viz; cd launch; ls as a test to see if the launch files are actually there or not.
There have been some cases in the past where reinstalling or updating packages resulted in missing files for some reason, though it was usually python scripts.
If all else fails you can always make a new catkin workspace and clone the packages from github, that should give you the latest versions and make sure that nothing’s missing.
Yes, rviz merely visualises the data already present in the system. If a robot is connected then it’ll display the robot’s data, otherwise you need to launch the gazebo simulator which will provide data for a virtual one.
Hmm well it would appear that Rviz is not receiving the needed transform frames. That usually only happens while Gazebo is still initializing, so i’m not entirely sure what’s going on here.
Does the robot show up in gazebo fine and can drive around? I’d imagine there may be an issue with the robot model package.
Ok if you ask me there’s something seriously wrong with your vm image in general, it may be less time consuming to simply grab a clean Ubuntu 16 image, install ros kinetic and then the ubiquity packages than continuing to debug this.
yea, but it is not my vm image, I downloaded from the UbiquityRobotic website in the download section, I didnt set this image up, so I thought this image would be ready to use after deploying into Virtualbox…, but it seems not the case which is frustrating…,