ROS Image RaspberryPi Issue


I recently downloaded the ROS image for the raspberrypi (which is running Ubuntu) - but don’t know if it’s running/in the right place.

There’s some code that’s from a robot’s manufacturer (am_driver_safe) that i’ve been trying to launch but get issues and was wondering if that was a ROS or image issue.

Thanks :slight_smile:

We are not familiar with am_driver_safe and do not use it on Magni which is where our Rasberry Pi image is officially supported.

I myself have used or image on several of my own projects with success but that does not mean any package from anywhere will have all the shared library dependencies satisfied on this Ubiquity Robotics image.

I suggest you find out where that app saves it’s logs. Then log on to our image using ssh or other method. This page of our documents may be helpful to connect:

There are thousands of shared libraries and do on so we cannot know the dependencies of the package you are using.

If your image from us comes up and you can login to the Pi then you can browse to the location of the logs for your app issue.

Good luck and let us know if you find something that may help us to improve our image in the future.

Take Care,

Thanks for your response Mark - you were right in that I hadn’t connected to a network correctly so the page was super helpful!