Programme used?


I just got my VM working and I never worked with Raspberry pi, so now i have a couple of questions:

1: What tool is used to programme Raspberry? To develop code?

2: How is the connection between Raspberry and my PC?

Can someone help me? Thank you :slight_smile:

To answer your questions.

  1. The workstation comes equipped with ROS Kinetic and the Core Magni Packages?

Yes. Although there are some differences between the things we put on the workstation and the things we put on the robot itself. For example in the future the workstation will have some RViz tools that the robot itself doesn’t need.

  1. What tool is used to programme Raspberry Pi? To develop code?

Well as with most ROS packages we use catkin_make. Typically use whatever type of editor you like to edit code.

  1. How is the connection between Raspberry and my PC?

ROS shares topics across the network that it is attached to. For this to work you need something like:

export ROS_HOSTNAME=hostname.local
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ubiquityrobot.local:11311

in your .bashrc file

  1. In the demos you give, what type of code is used? C++?

Typically its python

Thank you very much for your reply :slight_smile:

I have some more questions and if could answer them, it would be great.

Sorry for asking so many questions, but i´m new in Linux, Raspberry Pi, ROS, etc… so i´m a little confused with everything.

  1. How can i verify that ROS Kinetic and the Core Magni Packages are installed in the workstation?Can you tell me the steps?

  2. The Ubuntu workstation is asking for update, can i do it without changing anything?

  3. Is it possible to explain better the answer to my previous question 3? (" How is the connection between Raspberry and my PC?")

Thank you for the attention and for the patient.

Best regards,

David Neves.

Hey @DavidNeves,

If you can run the command rospack find magni_bringup without errors, then you should have what you need on the workstation.

You can run the regular updates, and it is recommended to do so, but DO NOT upgrade Ubuntu versions. The graphical updater makes it pretty clear when asking to move between Ubuntu versions, it is unlikely to happen accidently.

The communication between the robot and the workstation is done through wifi. Both the robot and the workstation need to be on the same wifi network. After this, you can use SSH to log into and run commands on the robot. ROS can also work over this wifi connection, allowing ROS messages to be passed between robot and workstation.