Hi I have been following a tutorial titled “Running Magni in Simulation” and it works, and I killed the node of Gazebo by Ctrl+C (I ran “$ roslaunch magni_gazebo empty_world.launch”) on a workstation. However, this is the rostopic list after killing the node.
The default topics went back after rebooting Magni by “$ sudo reboot” in a ssh window, but should I reboot every time after launching Gazebo? If I don’t have to reboot, is there any commands or suggestions that I should follow?
I am asking this question because when I work on another demo for fiducial-based localization right after killing Gazebo,
On a ssh window 1,
$ roslaunch magni_demos simple_navigation.launch
On a ssh window 2,
$ roslaunch magni_bringup core.launch
On a workstation,
$ roslaunch magni_viz view_nav.launch
I got a warning “Global Status: Warn Fixed Frame No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist” on Rviz.
Without launching Gazero or after rebooting, these commands for fiducial-based localization work appropriately.
Thank you