I am facing trouble with simulation

I attempted installing base ubuntu and then installing the Magni repositories manually as well as ROS, and I am still facing the same issue with the robot model not appearing on rviz, the following image should add context. Please advise

So… the robot does appear in Gazebo and drives there, just doesn’t appear in Rviz or is there more to it?

All the info you provided in your other thread isn’t very helpful with diagnosing the problem, so it would be helpful if you could define what exactly you have here. Otherwise it’s likely to be another round of crickets.

As in, which Ubuntu is this, is it a VM, which version of ROS did you install, what launch file did you run, etc. The image you’re showing is the most generic not working rviz ever and gives us nothing at all.

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Thank you for your reply, and I apologize for the lack of information as I am really new to this. So I have installed the Ubuntu 16.0.4 LTS, same as the one required by the ubiquity requirements. I am using a VirtualBox virtual machine on my windows 10 laptop. I have manually installed the magni libraries from the website, the ros packages. I installed the ros noetic, latest version of it. As for the launch file, I simply followed the rviz simulation tutorial available in the documentation. Using the command which was listed.
I basically then followed the steps in the tutorial for “running magni in simulation”

I am not sure whether the file for the magni is available, sorry for the inconvenience. How can I provide you with more information? where do I look for the files? I am trying to debug this issue.

Again thank you for your reply!

Ah, there’s your problem. You see each Ubuntu LTS version has a matching ROS version, and each will only work properly on the one it’s designed for. The matching is as follows:

Ubuntu 16.04 → ROS Kinetic
Ubuntu 18.04 → ROS Melodic
Ubuntu 20.04 → ROS Noetic

In fact I’m somewhat surprised that you managed to install Noetic on 16.04 as it shouldn’t be available through the apt manager. Anyhow for that OS you’ll need to install Kinetic.

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Okay, so here is what I will do, I am going to redownload the virtual image from ubiquity’s website. Then I will follow the tutorial again. I will also install kinetic on a fresh Ubuntu VM.
I will update you with what happens. thanks again!