September 10, 2021, 1:11pm
I would like to ask how to set URDF for new rplidar_a3. The red line of the laser scanner doesn’t fit with the map created before. It’s moving all the time. Please, help!
If you are using my magni_lidar launch files then those files get the pose of the lidar right in the launch files and thus not from the URDF file.
For example see and read the comments I have in this which is one of the launch files:
<!-- Simple launch file for using rplidar A1 to generate a map with a Magni default image -->
<!-- This assumes normal Magni Robot service of magni-base is running already -->
<!-- 1) Setup the rplidar serial_port to your own serial port. ttyUSB0 is very normal -->
<!-- 2) If you want the lidar to show up in rviz you must modify the magni urdf file -->
<!-- 3) Setup the base_link_to_laser translation in ROS standard x y z r p y form -->
<!-- Run using: roslaunch magni_lidar magni_lidar_mapmaker.launch -->
<!-- Run gmapping: rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=scan (typically run in new window) -->
<!-- Drive around to make map then save it: rosrun map_server map_saver -f mynewmap-ils -->
<param name="/use_sime_time" value="true"/>
<!-- Arguments that could be supplied to this launch file or edited here -->
<arg name="robot_model" default="$(find magni_lidar)/rplidar.urdf"/> -->
<arg name="lidar_serial_port" default="/dev/ttyUSB0"/><!-- rplidar serial port -->
<arg name="lidar_serial_baud" default="115200"/><!-- rate for rplidar A1/A2 -->
<!-- Define the 3d space x,y,z translation and rotational angles for this lidar -->
<arg name="lidar_translation" default="-0.03 0 0.20 0 3.14 3.14"/><!-- base_link to lidar laser -->
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