EZ Map mapping efficiency

I have question for the ezmap mapping efficiency. For a small area, the mapping work great and be able to map it in a quick manner. However, when it comes to a large area, the map update slow down on the device(e.g. ipad). I may need to wait for 40s for the map to refresh and update once. Is it the software algorithm that cause it to slow down or the hardware limitation?
Will using a raspberry pi with a larger RAM help?

Well it is partially the hardware limitation, but more on the CPU side in general. We don’t entirely support the 8 GB version either (though it may work just fine), so sticking with a 4 GB Pi is probably fine.

There are however various mapping parameters you can adjust to make the mapping run faster or more accurate if that’s needed. If you check out the config file in


You should be able to see the following:

# LaMa - A Localization and Mapping library.
# Hybrid Particle Filter SLAM
# Gridd + Landmarks

# The global frame
global_frame_id: "map"
# The odometry frame
odom_frame_id: "odom"
# The frame of the robot
base_frame_id: "base_link"

# Topic with the laser scan data
detection_topic: "fiducial_transforms"

# How many seconds ahead of time is the pose transformation published.
transform_tolerance: 0.1

# Time period (in seconds) between each time the map is published.
map_publish_period: 5

# You can define an initial pose
# x-coordinate (meter)
initial_pos_x: 0.0
# y-coordinate (meter)
initial_pos_y: 0.0
# angular orientation (radians)
initial_pos_a: 0.0

# The user can trigger a map reset, which will delete the current map and start
# anew.  However, the current pose of the robot will remain unchanged, unless
# you set this parameter to `true.  If that is the case, the pose of the robot
# will bet set to the initial pose.
reset_initial_pose: false

# Number of particles
# Increasing the number of particles increases the changes of having a better
# map. But as the number of particles grow, so does the computational
# requirements.
# However, the number of particles in our particle filter is not fixed.
# Depending on how spread the particles are, then number can increase or
# decrease. Therefore, you can set a minimum and a maximum number of particles.
# minumum number of particles
particles: 15
# maximum number of particles
max_particles: 500

# Likelihood gain
# The gain reduces or increases the difference between the weight of each
# particle.  Becase the number of detected landmarks is usually low, we use the
# gain to amplify the difference between particles.
lgain: 1.0

# Do a compatibility test between the measurement and the associated landmarks.
# An incompatible measurement will not be updated but its weight will be added
# to the particle weight. The objective is to penalize particles far from the
# true location.
ctest: true

# A measurement must have a score greater than this value, otherwise it is discarded.
# This prevents bad detections from being integrated.
min_score: 0.5

# Sampling variance factors: srr, stt, srt, str
# These factors are use to calculate the error variances from the robot motion.
# The translation and rotation variances are proportional to the magnitude of
# the relative translation and relative rotation between updates.
# For robotic systems with bad odometry, high values should be used.
# How much the rotation affects the rotation
srr: 0.2
# How much the translation affects the translation
stt: 0.2
# How much the rotation affect the tranlation
srt: 0.1
# How much the translation affects the rotation
str: 0.1

# Landmark sigma scaling factor: srr, sst, ssa
# These factor are use to calculate the landmark detection covaraince.  The
# covariance is calculated in sherical coordinates (physics version) and then
# converted to Cartesian, hence, these sigma scales appy to the spherical
# components of the detection. The variances are proportional to the value of
# each component.
# Factor fo rho (or range)
ssr: 0.1
# Factor for theta
sst: 0.2
# Factor for azimute
ssa: 0.2

# Number of working threads
# The mapping processes are independent for each particle. We take advantage of
# this property to parallelize their execution. Note that doubling the number
# of threads may not correspond to 2x speedup, weight normalization and
# sampling are executed sequentially.
threads: 4

# displacement threshold: The SLAM process will only update new measurements if
# the robot has moved at least this many meters.
# It is recommended to use a small number here, specially if your odometry is
# not to be trusted. Odometry error is cumulative, hence the more displacement
# you accumulate, the higher is the error that has to be corrected.
# Remember that a smaller number also implies a higher number of updates,
# therefore, you have to take into consideration how long it takes to execute a
# single update step. Our slam solution is fast, and usually a small value if
# recommended.
d_thresh: 0.1

# angular threshold: The SLAM process will only update new measurement if
# the robot has turned at least this many radians.
# Read the recommendations in `d_thresh`, they apply to this parameter.
a_thresh: 0.1

# Optimization strategy used by the scan matching process.
# The supported stategies are:
#   * gn    Gauss-Newton method, simple and fast: assumes monotonic cost decrease
#   * lm    Levenberg-Marquardt method, more elaborated: may require more iterations.
# Using `gn` is a good choice.
strategy: "gn"

# Maximum number of iterations the optimization algorithm is allowed to
# execute.
max_iterations: 100

# Maximum L2 (i.e. Euclidean) distance, in meters, calculated by the distance
# map used for scan matching.
# Each time the occupancy map is updated, a distance map is also updated that
# contains the distance of a cell to the closest occupied cell. This is done
# efficiently by a dynamic distance map that tracks the changes in the
# occupancy map and updates accordingly. Nonetheless, this can be an expensive
# tasks if the number of changes in the occupancy grid is high and the maximum
# L2 distance is also high. A high number of changes usually happen when
# unknown parts of the map become known, and in SLAM this happens frequently.
# A low value makes the update step go faster, but if the value is to low the
# scan matching may loose "attraction" to the "walls". A value of 0.5 meters
# was found to provide good results.
l2_max: 0.5

# Maximum range (in meters) that a laser beam/ray can have for it to be
# accepted. Any beam with a value equal or higher than this will be discarded.
# Note that the lower the range of a beam the faster the update with said beam.
mrange: 80

# Number of beams/rays to skip in each scan
# Useful for when you want to reduce the number of beams used in the SLAM
# process. Increasing this value will result in a faster update without
# necessarily losing accuracy.
beam_step: 5

# Size (in meters) of a truncated range. A value equal to zero means no
# truncation.
# Instead of discarding beams with a high range value you can truncate it to
# this value. A truncated range will not not mark any cell as occupied but it
# will mark free cells along its truncated range.
truncate_range: 0.0

# Truncation value in meters. A value equal to zero means no truncation.
# Similar to `truncate_range`, but instead of truncating the beam before it
# reaches the endpoint, it reverses the direction and truncates the beam before
# reaching the origin. In practice, it will have a new origin point that
# respects this truncate value.
truncate: 0.0

# Resolution (in meters) of the occupancy and distance grid maps.
# A higher resolution may increase the SLAM accuracy. But you should not use a
# resolution that is higher that your laser' resolution.
# Remember that a higher resolution increases the overall computational
# requirements.  More resolution means more cells to update.
resolution: 0.05

# The size of a squared patch in number of cells per edge.
# The grid maps used by the SLAM process grow dynamically in size. Cells are
# allocated in memory only when needed. For efficiency reasons, cells are not
# allocated individually but in patches (or chunks). This value defines how
# many many cells are allocated per patch. For example, for a value of 32,
# enough memory is allocated to hold 32*32 cells.
# A low value results in a lower amount of allocated memory, but may result in
# additional memory allocation overhead if the mapping area is large.  For a
# high number you have the reverse effect, low memory allocation overhead but
# higher amount of allocated memory.
# For more information see:
# Pedrosa et al. 2018. “A Sparse-Dense Approach for Efficient Grid Mapping.”
patch_size: 32

# Use lossless data compression to reduce the data hold by a patch.
# All patches will have their data compressed, except the most recently used
# patched.  The most recently used patched are kept uncompressed in a cache
# with an LRU cache eviction strategy.
# Compression and decompression (obviously) introduce a computational overhead
# to the SLAM process. However, the employed lossless algorithms are fast which
# in conjuction with the cache mechanism makes this online data compression a
# viable feature.
use_compression: false

# The size of the cache as in the number of patches it holds.
# If you set this value to low, you will notice a severe impact in the time it
# takes to compute an update. Also, this value may need to change if you change the
# `patch_size`.
cache_size: 100

# Lossless data compression algorithm used to compressed patches data.
# The supported algorithms are:
#   * lz4      faster compression/decompression, ratio ~ 1.75
#   * zstd     fast   compression/decompression, ratio ~ 2.5
# Usually, zstd is a good choice, it has a higher compression ratio with
# reasonable speeds.
compression_algorithm: "zstd"

The parameters I’d consider adjusting are these:

resolution: 0.05

That’s in meters, and the default map pixel size is 5cm x 5cm, so you could try increasing that to maybe 0.1, which should give you a 4x speed boost at the expense of some resolution.

beam_step: 5

This is the reduction number of the laser data from the lidar, so lower values are again more accurate but more demanding, and opposite when going higher. There is an odd bug with this where using even numbers causes some jumping, so I’d recommend only using odd numbers here.

threads: 4
particles: 15
max_particles: 500

These also directly affect performance, so you can try adjusting them, but it’s unlikely to improve much.

Another thought though, if you’re doing the mapping outside then you may actually be having the opposite problem - there isn’t enough data to parse from the lidar due to sun glare. In this case the mapping node is actually waiting for more data before it does an update, so lowering beam_step would likely improve the situation instead.

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