I connected my workstation directly to the robot and I am able to see the rostopics, however when I run
rosrun teleop_twist_…
It only auto-fills with joy and when I ran it manually using
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
it gives:
error: package 'teleop_twist_keyboard' not found
I am using the ubuntu 16.04 provided on the magni website.
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
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Thank you for bearing with me, I appreciate your response, truly… 
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This too has just been added to our keyboard movement page as well as a couple things I have been meaning to briefly say on that page for a while now.
Comments like yours just now that you know you have not seen or do not really quite follow in the documents are always encouraged. This helps us improve our documents and sometimes even add to lists for future features.
Updates at end of this page but Vid has already told you so those comments are for future users. https://learn.ubiquityrobotics.com/keyboard_teleop