Bandwdith issues to download pi iso image 2020-02-10-ubiquity-xenial-lxde

I have been trying to download the latest pi image yesterday. it failed twice. once at 300MB, the other at 150MB.

i took the first link in

i am at home with a poor internet connection. so i suspect my own place, and used my neighboor network instead but i have similar behavior: first the download seems to work with a reasonable speed, then it severly limits at 20-30KBytes/sec, then it eventually fails with a message “failure - problem with server”

It should be mentioned that i tried to downloa using chrome browser (latest version i assume since automatic updates are enabled). I did a CTRL+F5 between attempts in case the web servers offers a different download url each time. But in both cases, i have been offered

Is it just me ?
does anyone have an alternative link ?


nevermind. it’s got to be a download throttling issue from the carrier or a temporary issues from the server. i managed to download it from a remote PC and will reupload it somewhere else.

surprisingly there was no issue at all with the 4-5GB working stations iso. go figure

Mine downloaded fine, but the unzip fails at 24%

its sha256sum is
it should be farly easy to figure out if yours is ok or not

here’s an alternative download valid for 7 days

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Thank you !

It downloaded and exploded just fine :slight_smile:

Oh, and you were right, the last one failed the sha test. Maybe it got corrupted or something on the way down, or it’s been replaced

Looks like our cloud provider might be experiencing bandwidth issues. I am looking into it.

Thanks @alexis for the temporary link!


Hello guys, new member and first post here.
Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents of success since you guys have helped me out.
For the last week I was having an issue like @alexis above.
Would download and get a corrupted file.
That is the downloaded and online sha256sum wouldn’t matchup.

Decided to completely switch internet providers for download.
That is I switched from my home comcast ethernet to my verizon mobile hotspot.

It took longer but this completely did the trick!!!
Thanks again!!!