KRYTN the coffee robot

Yes I dont get it…it kind of works a bit today but using Magni’s move base default params…, when I load your params into Magni’s move base, …it just crashes, and crashes the ACML process…so I couldnt set a pose in the map…,

May I ask are you just using One Raspberri pi? …, I dont know why mine just freezes when I run move base for say like 20 mins or so…, it just got frozen…,

Also, when I change the size of the say global costmap to a bigger map say yours 12 by 12 meters…, I receive a map frame and I can do AMCL to localize but then when I run the move base with a bigger size (global and local cost map)…it crashes ACML straight away and everything just froze…, if I change it back to 6 by 6 (which is default)…it can run for around 20 mins and then it froze…

Please advice, thank you

Hey @inmoov, yeah I’m not sure why its crashing.
Krytn does infact use two raspberry pi’s, I found that the fiducial detection system consumed so much resources that splitting into two gave more compute time for path planning. Although splitting into two was not without its own challenges and drawbacks.
I think that if you are just doing lidar mapping and navigation you should be fine with the single rPi.
Note that my system worked fine when run on only 1 pi, but it was really jerky because the control loop was not getting enough time.

Also, things in ROS aren’t typically plug and play, so you should expect alittle bit of tweaking to be done for your specific setup.

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Hey @johnnyv,

Yea I was thinking if you did add some processing power to Krytn …that’s so cool!

I would like to say thank you for your reply here (really appreciated, your inspirations really inspires me to make my one better), I want to share with you on my progress which I finally got some where with Magni’s move base…after endless nights tweaking, testing and crashing …, it can atleast succeed with some path planning around corners and not crashing walls and obstacles all the time…, as you mentioned…it is jerky (like it kind of stops/spins around , thinks a bit and then go …which sometimes knocks off my drinks on the top … making a mess…and sometimes its smooth…unpredictable still)

Yea very agree that ROS is not plug and play…, I was thinking of also trying out the RTAB-Mapping (3D) with Kinect, so I’m thinking that it might help in avoiding sudden appearing obstacles such as a human walking pass or a pet …, just wondering on have you tried this before? and I’m kind of concerned with the pi not having enough power to do so though…


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We too are very happy @johnnyv has posted so many times. Thank you for your contributions because we envision this forum as a way to get users of Magni answers for their issues but we ALSO would like to see more users helping users. Thanks Again @johnnyv ! Oh and can I have a latte with a touch of vanilla :grin: delivered to table #4? :grinning:

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